Yesterday, was one of my best buddy last day at work...
Finally he's going to move on... Good for him...
We had his farewell party at wine network last night.
Actually it's just an excuse to go for a drink hahahaha
He's my talk-cock buddy when we were in tiong, and my drinking, mj, gym whatever kaki...
We do have lots of fun together during these 2years and i gonna miss him...
Well Andy, wish u all the best in your future career =)
Taken last year 07, when we went Tioman
Recently, i start to become more heath-conscience...
Realised that the older u get, the more problems your body will be giving you...
Like recently, my legs has been aching frequently... Hmm sign of getting old!!!
So i decide to do something…
Drink more milk!!!
I think i need more calcium... Haha wonder if its too late for me to start...
But then better start late than never right...
Sweetie phyllis, pass me a pack of calcium pills today for me to try also...
She said it's good for the bones... So sweet of her...
But the idea of popping pills everyday, kinda scare me...
Well, i got Regina to get me some supplements also from Japan as their prices is so much cheaper compared to here in Sin... =)
Another step forward to healthy lifestyle haha ~ like real =p